All frustrating reasons about magicJack plus not linking

If you owe the magicJack plus on your side, then there some of the annoying reasons which can let you not able to link in a fine manner.

Having magicJack on your side is one of the fine ways to link with your dear ones living in USA and Canada. But, at some instances, the magicJack actually don’t ring. In some of the common instances, you can’t easily call out. Since the magicJack actually don’t have the 24-hour hour live chat support, you just end up by figuring it by yourself. This is the reason we are here with some of the irritating problems which you should know when you encounter with any of these issues. Still, if you get any kind of query, you can easily head on to magicJack customer service for better solutions.
  1. REN (Ringer Equivalence Number) - Every Canadian and US users actually have got this number on their back. Head on to add up all the total REN for all the phones linked to the magicJack plus. If it is more than 2 to 2.5, then your phone will simply not ring. It will probably head to voicemail instead if the voicemail is set. The REN on the back of the phone generally ends up with the “B”, as in “0.1B”, or “1.0B”. Here, the B is actually referred to the ringer mode from the reason 9.
  2. Your corded or the cordless phone is being set to wrong ringer mode- Majority of the phones are being set to the default to the ringer mode “B”. The ringer mode here tells the phone that how much power is actually left to ring up the phone. The older set of phones used up the power from the phone line to ring. Here, the magicJack doesn’t provide the same requirement of power landline phones accessed to. All the new phones use up the power from the battery or the power cord to ring and generally require less power to ring. If your particular phone doesn’t have a ringer mode setting, then it's likely to be ringer-mode “A”. If yours was set to “A”, then head to set it to “B”.
  3. The setting of voicemail delay is too short- Head to Head on to the “Call Features” tab, then simply pull down to “Voicemail On/Off/Delay”. Ensure that the device in the question is being 45 seconds long.  Try out calling from another phone to check out that the longer voicemail delay is enough. If not, simply make it a minute.
  4. The device is not properly set to send and receive the calls- While getting logged into, head on to pull down the “Call features” down to advanced. For the device in the question, select “I elect to accept outgoing and incoming service” from the “Select service” area. Ensure that “Use DHCP” is checked.
  5. MagicJack’s Talkfree app may be incompatible with Android phones- Yes, some of the android configurations of the phones are not quite friendly with magicJack like others. Your preferable options are to get the latest android phone or simply remove the app from the phone.
  6. Internet connection may be temporarily out- This one is quite simple- head on to reboot the modem, router, and phone, maybe the computer too.  
If you encounter these problems or get any other tech queries, then simply navigate to magicJack support to get the expert assistance and tech support.      
